Streamlined Shipping Experience:

  • 🌍 Yes, we ship worldwide!
  • πŸ“¬ All orders within Australia enjoy free standard shipping.
  • πŸš€ In a rush? Opt for our express shipping, available everywhere.
  • πŸ“¨ Tracking your order is a breezeβ€”we'll send the code right to you. Track your order here.
  • ⏳ We dispatch promptly. Delivery times? They're subject to Australia Post's schedule, but we'll always estimate your delivery window.

Refined Returns Approach:

  • πŸ› We aim for perfection with every package sent your way.
  • πŸ“ Got your size but it's not quite right? If we've slipped up, we'll handle resizing. Double-check our Size Guide to ensure the best fit.
  • πŸ”„ If you discover an error on our part, like a damaged dress, we're ready to discuss exchange, return, or refund options. Please reach out within 7 days of receiving your item, which should be unworn, and we'll sort it out.
  • πŸ“ž To initiate a return, simply contact us with your order details. We're here to support you through the process.